Two Years Ago...

A lot can change in two years.

  • Two years ago: I was the healthiest I had ever been.
  • Two years ago: I was competitively playing golf and was involved in a golf clinic.
  • Two years ago: I was the strongest that I had ever been.  I had muscle definition in my arms, legs, and abdomen.  
  • Two years ago: I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis Liver Disease.  
  • Two years ago: I was hospitalized for 1 month.
  • Two years ago: I lost 20 pounds (which was unhealthy on a Cystic Fibrosis point of view).
  • Two years ago: I lost all the muscle definition I worked so hard to get.
I am not going to go into detail about why I was in the hospital.  I have spoken about the experiences in past videos.  I will paste the links below if you would like more information about that hospitalization.  

The one thing that made me so devastated about my hospitalization was that I lost all the muscle I worked so hard to get.  I was not sure how long it would take for me to get the muscle back.  Every time I worked out, I never saw the results I wanted.  I am the type of the person who likes a toned abdomen, toned legs, and very muscular arms.  
Fast forward to February of 2017, I was hospitalized again.

My first thought was, "Great, now I am going to lose the little bit of muscle that I have gained."  However, instead of being down, I decided to text my friend who is a fitness trainer.  I asked that he help me get back on track with exercising, finding a consistent routine, and get the muscle back that I had lost.

March 1, 2017, I began my journey of gaining my muscle back.  I am not saying that it was and is an easy journey.  The first day of working out, I collapsed from exhaustion from the intensity of the workouts.  I continued to work at it because you gotta want it to achieve the results you want!  
Today, I am proud to announce that I have gained back the muscle that I lost in 2015!  I am continuing to push myself everyday to gain new muscle.
In these three photos, I am honestly so happy with how I look.  I feel confident, I have muscle definition, and am so so happy!
Keep working hard!
That's all for now,
