A world to explore,
never journeyed out to before.
A rose to your left,
a shop to your right,
but nothing new to search for.
A head faced down
towards something that is bright.
Surrounded by a world
that is slipping out of sight.
“Look up from your phone!”,
someone says in dismay,
“The world is around us
and you can’t even play.”
One day this place will fade
and no one will smile your way.
The memories you make
are here to stay.
Don’t let the days pass by.
The clock is ticking and soon
all will be gone.
In a recent lecture for philosophy, we studied how technology is affecting the future. I find technology very useful in these modern times, especially in the medical world. There are many advancements that are being made. However, a con that I have noticed with the use of technology is how it is separating humans from having face to face interactions. Being a millennial, my generation is constantly on our devices, meanwhile, the world continues to pass by. There are so many things to observe in the world around us that cannot be experienced through a cell phone. I wrote this poem because as a reminder to take time out of your day to turn off your phone and explore the world that is around you. We are never granted a tomorrow and you might not have tomorrow to explore.
That's all for now,
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